Some time ago, Modlink ran a logo design contest - You picked a company from Uplink, any company, then designed a logo for that company.
The prize was a copy of Uplink, signed by the Introversion Software team.
Here you can see the results of that contest.

i-Squared Solutions, by GroovyPigThing, the winner of the contest
SIM Associates, by Angry Armadillo
Immutex Corp, by black orrifice
Moon Tech, by black orrifice
Andromeda Research Corp, by Christopher
Steve Jackson Games, by CowInParachute
Hummingbird, by Darkshine
Hummingbird, by Darkshine
Enzyme Tech, by elDiablo
Humming Bird Solutions, by elDiablo
Signi Corp, by elDiablo
Datalink Corp, by GroovyPigThing
ARC, by Hektik_Sniper (This is the best logo here! ;) )
ARC, by Kaaphi
ARC, by Kaaphi
Jupiter Corp, by Kaaphi
LevelSeven, by MegaDeth
LevelSeven, by MegaDeth
LevelSeven, by MegaDeth
Steve Jackson Games, by Nentash
Datalink Systems, by Red Dawn
Logic Networks, by Seth275
ARC, by Skiller
Eclipse Technology, by Skiller
Transcendant Labs, by Skiller
Focus Industries, by Sobek
Keytron Networks, by Sobek
Cybernet Software, by tabasco boy
Cybernet Software, by tabasco boy
Cybernet Software, by tabasco boy
ARC, by The Drop
ARC, by The Drop
Biometric Inc, by Toa (aka Miss B. Haven)
Centura Inc, by Toa (aka Miss B. Haven)
Signi Associates, by Toa (aka Miss B. Haven)
ARC Global Holdings, by WebcoW
Arunmor, by WebcoW
Protovision, by Whacko